Music Ministry

St. John the Evangelist Music Ministry is devoted to inspiring the sung prayer of the worshiping assembly. Join together in song, under the direction of Consuelo De Los Santos and Dawn Chmiel. Contact the music directors at 585-225-8980 or email

Director of Music Ministry, Music Director
Dawn Chmiel

Director of Liturgical Music
Consuelo De Los Santos


“Non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam”
(Not to us, Lord, but to your name be the glory)

Music Ministry Mission Statement

As a music ministry, we seek to celebrate the liturgy in a manner that promotes active participation by all with reverence and praise. We are not entertainment, nor a distraction, but rather an active, and integral part of the liturgical celebration.

We are called to witness Christ with each other and to the world through a unified expression of liturgical music inspired by a variety of styles. We encourage each other to be prayerful and Christ-centered as we lead the congregation in worship.

We shall foster opportunities and support for all who participate in our ministry and continue to identify and develop the musical talent of our volunteer musicians. We will strive to maintain musical excellence to allow for spiritual expression through the same kind of love, compassion, faithfulness, strength, truthfulness, self-control, patience, and motivation for service exemplified by our Lord.

Come and sing with us!

We are always looking for new members with a generous heart, a little extra time and the willingness to learn music for the liturgy.

Please consider joining our Adult Choir or Youth Choir. We are also looking for singers who would like to serve as a cantor.

For more information about serving in our ministry, please contact either Dawn Chmiel, Music Director or Consuelo De Los Santos, Director of Liturgical Music.

Adult Choir  ⋅  Youth Choir

Contact the Music Director or Director of Liturgical Music for additional information or if you would like to join the choir.