Events and Activities

Our parish offers opportunities to build our parish family by hosting a variety of special events and activities that foster a sense of community and unity by providing an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate.  As a parish family, we strive to promote a sense of family and community. This begins with all our liturgical celebrations and extends to our social events and activities.

These activities provide occasions for socializing and celebrating together to help create lasting memories by fostering growth and fellowship among the members of our parish. They also encourage us to share in conversation, companionship, focus on family and fun, and foster new relationships. We see every gathering as an opportunity to build our parish community,  provide opportunities for sharing our faith,  and supporting one another on our journey together.

Upcoming Events and Activities

Grief Support Group
February 19th and February 26th

Holy Hour
February 24th

Recent Events and Activities

Coffee Hour
February 9th

Advent Reflection
December 13th

Christmas Carollng
December 21st

Christmas Eve Children Pagent
December 24th

Family Hour with Santa
December 8th

Dady Concert
December 7th

Pie Fund Raiser

October 2024

Food Drive
October 19th and 20th

Some Other Activities and Events include

Monthly Coffee Hour
Summer Bash and Fall Festival
Lenten Fish Fry
Chicken BBQ and Clam Bake
Feast of St. Joseph
Day of Caring
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Christmas with Santa
Council and Committee Picnic